
Alacazamshazam: Full Moon in Leo

Dear Dreamers,

After six months off from leading retreats so I could focus on getting married and moving into our new home in upstate New York, I was honored to return to leading a retreat this past week for a group of women exploring the way of the heart on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.

We danced through the medicine wheel of releasing the past with the archetype of the serpent. We asked for grace and the courage not to force what we're not ready to release, but instead to honor our grief and gratitude for what is already gone. We traversed into the archetype of jaguar, trusting our instincts to navigate the shadows as we travel between the physical tangible world and the world of spirit. We invited the sweetness of hummingbird medicine which offers the discernment to notice the nectar that is the most nourishing and celebrate it. After hummingbird, the next archetypical energy is eagle, where we take some time to dream. However, we don’t dream what’s just in front of our face; we rise up to an eagle’s perspective to dream bigger dreams and see the big picture. Sometimes that means expanding your dream 100 times bigger than you would normally dare to imagine. It can also mean asking, “What is the highest destiny of my soul?" and humbly move towards its fulfillment with inspired action.



Clarity and Purity: New Moon in Capricorn

Dear Explorers of the Embodied Life, 

As we embark on 2018, we may find ourselves living in the question: what is on the other side of our transformation, individually and collectively? 

In the midst of so much letting go, so much rising up, and so much change, what is the purpose of it all? Spiritually speaking, there's always an opportunity for the soul to grow, and all experiences eventually usher you back to the holy home of your heart. Physically speaking, what is the purpose of these changes and challenges as you live your life doing your sacred work, loving your family and friends, participating in your communities, and paying the bills? With a more holistic and realistic perception of the physical embodiment of your spirit, your practical mind, and your daily need to lead a life that both flows and functions, the purpose of all this transformation is: you can emerge with clarity and purity. 



It's OK to be Quiet: Full Moon in Cancer on New Year's Day

Dear Cosmic Companions,

Here we all are turning the pages of time from one year to another. From the center of my heart, I wish you and yours a very happy new year. On Christmas Day, I went for a walk in fresh snow through the woods of upstate New York. As I felt my thoughts and motivations slow down and my perception expand to see more layers revealing themselves, I heard something from deep within. I heard, "It's OK to be quiet."



Being a Voice for the World: New Moon in Sagittarius

Dear Individual Expression of the One,

As the pendulum swings from shorter days to longer nights, we approach the winter solstice reflecting on the blessings and the challenges of the past year. I trust we've all had both. Whichever perspective we choose, there's an infinite invitation to co-create the world we want to live in. Often in our Qoya community (and communities like it), there's an encouragement to bring our unique creative expression, gifts, passion and purpose to the world. Yes! And... what is the furthest expression of your voice in the world? Could it be your voice for the world?



The Power of Perspective: Full Moon in Gemini

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen, 

There is a woman in my life who has endured challenges so great that her healing is proof of the power of perspective. I see her with a soulful purity that was not given, but chosen. Sometimes when the pain is that great, the trust in Love is so legendary, so extraordinary, and at the same time, maybe the only effective option. 

The signature in her emails is: “Trust, and not know simultaneously.” - MC Richards

Maybe you have a woman like that in your life? Someone who alchemizes the dull daily reality of lead into the enchantment of gold, sparkling in the center of every living thing? Someone who, as they say, has the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Maybe that special woman with a soul-stirring perspective could even be you?


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Navigate the Depths: New Moon in Scorpio

Dear Explorers of the New and Ancient Ways,

If you're on this mailing list, there is likely a part of you that resonates with the messages of Qoya. If you've done a few Qoya classes, been on a retreat or read the book, you may already know them by heart:

Qoya is based on the idea that through movement, we remember. 

We remember our essence is wise, wild and free.

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Dance with Darkness: Full Moon in Taurus

Dear Dancers of the Dance,

What would the world be like if the feminine were honored? And what if the feminine being honored in this blog post meant using the forgotten power that lives within us to co-create our reality with great spirit by trusting the feeling of truth in our bodies? To use this power, many traditions explain how the feminine force requires us to know our wholeness. Beyond the perception of polarity, we are invited to grow into feeling more peace with paradox. One example of this is realizing the conversation about the masculine vs. the feminine isn't one dimensional. We were born into a masculine dominant society, so we put our attention on elevating the feminine to bring a sense of partnership between these forces within ourselves and within the world. The goal is always an outcome that honors the interconnection that lives between all of us and all things in all dimensions.

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An Invitation to Be Authentic: New Moon in Libra

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

If I were to offer you insights on how to be more critical, more linear in your thinking, more goal-oriented, more focused on how things look than how they (assuming you were raised in our modern culture) likely do not need this training. The modern industrial complex of thought motivates many, and whether we live that way or not, it is embedded into our cultural psyche.

Qoya began with asking the question in many areas of my life and also in movement: what if we approached things in a feminine way? What if the goal is not change, but to be comfortable with more of who we are? What if we were not focused so much on how life looks, but deeply honor how it feels? What if we trust the truth inside of us even though it may be completely non-linear and changes from moment to moment? 



Trust Grief, Trust Joy: Full Moon in Aries

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

In the midst of accelerated dissolution and chaos pouring through the daily news, it's normal to feel pangs of grief in the center of your heart. Contrast is a powerful teacher, and from the pain, the next blessing in your life may now be seen with a heightened sensitivity to the wonders of joy. Duality is the dance floor, and Qoya has always been a place where movement is a metaphor.

After tragedy enters into our individual or collective experience, one thing that slows down our healing is the idea that we shouldn't feel how we feel. If we're in grief, we tell ourselves we should get over it and be more positive. If we're experiencing joy and gratitude, we might feel we shouldn't be, and that we should be mourning to show our respect. Something I often say in class is:

"Imagine there is no way you can do it wrong and that the way you know you're doing it right is that it feels right to you - that it feels honest and true."

Making this shift places value on authenticity. In the midst of destabilization of structures, an opportunity arises to stand for what you believe in and to offer yourself in the circles of impact that you have. Your most powerful service will come from the trust that you have in honoring your own experience. Trusting yourself supports you as you support others.

It seems as if the great mystery reveals itself to us both in ways that we can understand and in ways that we can't. We come back to the fork in the road between fear and trust. In my own life, I have learned, again and again, to trust grief AND to trust joy. My greatest teacher in this has been nature. Like the forest fire of destruction that is necessary for a forest's growth, there is a perspective of life larger than any individual that simultaneously offers every one of us a small part in its fragile balance. Even as flames burn, you might see the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen, mysteriously calming you for a moment of awe.

Immense emotions can be overwhelming to the mind while also acting as fuel for the body, and you can find ways of moving your body that bring your nervous system back to balance and your awareness back to center. Maybe it's Qoya. Maybe it's hiking, or yoga, or this, or that. I highly encourage you to notice for yourself: what role does movement play in helping you access your most trusted true sense of self? Can it help you center as you dance with the intensity of this week and this full moon in Aries?

Our resident Qoya astrologer Virginia Rosenberg writes:

The Full Moon in Aries on October 5th (2:40pm EST) is a tunnel of transition. Some things aren't healed in light. Let shadow shape you. The dark womb is a place of growth and nourishment, a necessary chamber of becoming. Each full moon contains a magic of opposites. The womb and the tomb. Darkness and light. Conscious and unconscious. Self and other. War and peace. The new life birthing now asks us to sharpen our skills of adaptation. To be dexterous, perceptive, and responding. The emerging world asks that we do our work. We must be willing. We must be loving. We must hone and dedicate our practice. Place tools in our toolbox. Fill the world with our sense of self, in harmony with and in service to loving all else that exists.

"Work is love made visible."

- Kahlil Gibran

We make love visible. Dedicate yourself, then be released from labor. Cry our tears and wash our face. Our work and our life is born of our spiritual essence. It emerges from depths and brings with it the gems of twilight. Dark crystals of pristine purity. Diamonds in the rough. Admire each facet of this astounding jewel, your own light, taking seat in the velveteen darkness. Across the Earth, reflecting the sky, your soul light sings and cries and laughs an echo of fate.

To embody this is a video that invites you to circle to warm up your body, do a shadow dance to explore yourself trusting grief, shaking to explore trusting joy, then a short yoga sequence to calm your nervous system through breath and movement as you go back into your day. 

In addition to movement, I invite you to trust your grief by lighting a candle and taking a few minutes to honor the tragedies of this time. Allow yourself to deeply feel the losses that have occurred and see for yourself: can you trust grief?

My favorite book about grief is Martin Prechtel's The Smell of Rain on Dust.

In a different moment, I invite you to trust your joy by letting the light that is always within you find expression through you. Is there something that would delight you? Do you have the courage to open to it? Your favorite restaurant? Your favorite song? Imagine something you've always wanted to experience: can you dance in its direction?

One of my favorite books filled with exercises to lead you in the direction of joy is Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Undoubtedly, we need to expand our capacity to honor grief and honor joy. Gratefully, we can learn from one another. Offer a kind word and hug to those in grief. Receive the inspiration to heal and continue from those in joy. Give and receive as we all journey.

May all our inner and outer journeys be protected and blessed.

With trust,


Love this blog?

Enjoy more Qoya movements, rituals, and philosophies in our online course and podcast.


Join us in Guatemala this January to begin 2018 by following The Way of the Heart. The heart's voice is quiet and gentle, and can easily be drowned out by the loud voice of the ego. In this retreat, we will focus on heart-centered movement and ritual to reconnect with the voice of the heart and strengthen our ability to align with our heart's messages in our everyday lives. 


Now through the end of October, receive a total discount of $500 off your tuition when you enroll for the Collective Retreat and the Costa Rica Teacher Intensive. Use the discount code EARLYBIRD when you register for the Collective Retreat, then use the discount code CR2018PACKAGEto receive $250 off the Intensive! Offer only good if you register for both.



Celebrating How Much We've Healed: New Moon in Virgo

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the screen,

One way to gain confidence and courage to embark on what's ahead is by acknowledging all the ways in which you have already done that very thing.

If you look at your life right now and take three deep breaths, are you willing to be more than a little bit impressed with yourself at how much you have transformed? At how much you have risked for truth? At how much you have sacrificed to be more authentic expressive of your truest self?



The Subtlety of Surrender: Full Moon in Pisces

Dear Dancers in the Moonlight,

For some, surrender means acquiescence. A compromise and going against your inner truth without protest. 

For others, surrender can be empowering because you are no longer at odds with what is. 

This subtle shift of surrender from acquiescence to empowerment happens when you can be an active participant in your life fueled with inspiration, courage, and action in the face of your current reality rather than feeling victimized by the world around you and drained of energy, wishing things were different than they are.

You can, if you choose, trust love, life and each other.



The Courage to Connect: New Moon in Leo

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

I stand for transformation, and I have a feeling you do, too. The challenges of this time are as real as ever. The blessings of this time are real, too. The challenges require grief and the blessings require celebration.

As I deeply listen to the call of the individual and collective heart and soul, I hear the importance of conscious choice and action with a warning to be very wary of the places where you feel numb and disconnected.

Qoya offers an embodied ritual to deepen your courage to connect to and feel your wise, wild and free essence. To remember how to be courageous to stay connected to your inner wisdom. To remember how to be courageous in staying connected to the wildness of authentic expression. To remember the sensation of being courageously connected to your body and life in ways that resonate with truth.

We practice remembering our essence as wise, wild and free in a Qoya class so that we can better feel, listen to, honor, and maintain the courage to stay connected to ourselves in our daily lives.


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Sacred Work is Love Made Visible: Full Moon in Aquarius

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

Have you heard the quote by Khalil Gibran? He says, "Work is Love Made Visible." I took the liberty of adding one word to the beginning as inspiration for our Qoya retreat last week. The word is sacred, because for me, doing my sacred work is how I make love visible, in my world and the world.

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Let's Go Be Who We Are: New Moon in Leo

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

About three years ago, I embarked on one of the biggest challenges of my life. With the help of my therapist, I had identified the destructive patterns that were playing out in my romantic relationships were most likely stemming from the fact that I had never met my father. Instead of dealing with that issue directly, I was projecting my disappointment of abandonment and rejection onto all men I dated.

I did a people search online and headed to St. Augustine, Florida to knock on his door and look this mystery man in the eye. I invited my dear friend and earth angel Luci to join me.

When shit got real and I needed to get out of the car and go up to the door, Luci said something I repeat to myself now and again that feels appropriate for the unique moment that is now.

She said, "Let's go be who we are. We bring love and light to everything we do. Let's go be who we are."

With that, I got out of the car and went and had one of the best conversations of my life with my dad (you can read the whole story in my book), but I'd love to share one highlight.

When I asked him if he knew who I was, he paused and just like a parent who savors the first words of a child, I savored the first words of my father as he said, "This situation makes me think of the lyrics, 'What a long strange trip it's been.'"

He was quoting the Grateful Dead song "Truckin,'" and I grew up as a huge Grateful Dead fan. My whole body smiled with the recognition that my dad is a deadhead (an affectionate term for those who resonate with the music in a way that goes beyond words).

Last week, I was in Taos, New Mexico with Dr. Anne Davin and Robert Mirabal exploring their offering of Movement, Myth, and the Mysteries of Water. I had met Brigid there at previous workshops, but this time, I recognized her from the Grateful Dead documentary as the woman who gave Jerry Garcia his first guitar and encouraged him to play music as a young man! What!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I honored her in our conversation. We all have a role to play in this world and do our best to play that role well. As the Bhagavad Gita says (paraphrasing), it is better to fail miserably at your own dharma (life purpose) than to succeed at someone else's. I honored her for the catalyst that she was for the soulful revolution that came from the Grateful Dead, and that someone needed to introduce Jerry to a guitar and how amazing that she did.

I also shared with her how the Grateful Dead's music played such a significant role in my own life story. And isn't that what so much of life is? The interweaving of the meaning we bring to each moment. The moments when we are so present, we release our grip of interpretation on our personal narrative, and we are simply present to the music that transcends us back to a place of infinity, a place where we can travel on the railroad of vibrational current and arrive again and again.

I love music. As a dancer, I honor most musicians for their music like they are preaching gospel, because the music is the invitation to dance so fully that we get to be more of who we are. Movement helps us remember. One of my favorite tag lines about Qoya is just that. In Qoya, Come As You Are and Leave As More of Who You Are. See if that's true for you with our free movement ritual below as you get ready to honor this New Moon in Leo.

I filmed this video in Sweden wearing a red dress. Leo energy likes to shine! I invite you to move any way you want and wear anything you want, but perhaps explore choosing something that feels like it expresses more of who you are. Embrace the movement with that intention - to feel as much like yourself as possible - and see if movement helps you come back to your most authentic center.

When you are present in your body and present in the moment, it will be a powerful opportunity to merge with the energy of this new moon.

Our resident Qoya astrologer Virginia Rosenberg shares:

The New Moon in Leo on July 23, 2017 (5:46am EST) is marvelous. This lunation begins our entrance into a historic eclipse cycle to take place in August. Warm yourself by the light of the sun. Sunlight is an essential nutrient. As we absorb its essence, the seed of a new Self is born. Evolution is activated with verve and immediacy. How fun, to break free and be more of who we really are! How genius, that as we be more of ourselves, the world gains love. Consider this: as the world evolves, her creatures naturally adapt to new conditions. Like grapes heavy with the season, we ripen to contain the light of more life. Hold nothing back. Let the light in even more! Imagine the joy of being tasted at your fullness. Step out with passion and open your eyes to see the sun pour across another blessed day. We are strong. We are vital. We have the courage to walk, to run, to dance in childlike delight. We are invigorated. Bring forth the whole of life itself through the wondrous mask of your own essence.

In the conversation between Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell, Bill asks, "You're talking about a search for the meaning of life?" Joseph Campbell replies, "No, no, no. For the experience of being alive."

May this new moon, this new day, and this new moment help strengthen our power to choose to dance with life.

I'm grateful to be dancing with you through these words and this video, and look forward to the next time we all remember to dance as One.

With love and respect,



We have spots available in both our upcoming teacher training Intensives:

Highlands, North Carolina: September 10 - 17, 2017 with Sara Ballard and Kaci Florez

Nosara, Costa Rica: March 31 - April 7, 2018 with Rochelle Schieck

Click here to learn more about the Qoya teacher training program.


A reminder to check out the new Lifestyle of Reverence podcast in which Rochelle interviews experts on the expansion and evolution of consciousness. Guests so far include: Dr. Anne Davin, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Neha Sangwan, Jamie Watkins, Meggan Watterson, Kate Northrup, Samar Ocean Wolf Ciprian, Latham Thomas, Kitty Cavalier.

Listen on Soundcloud or iTunes.


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When You Stop Hiding: Full Moon in Capricorn

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

Have you received one of those phone calls during which everything changed? When all your dreams, hopes, wishes, and visions came into crystal clarity? When the most important thing becomes being here in this moment, as deeply connected and present as you can be?

I did this week. 

I sometimes joke that we need not travel too far outside the awareness of our daily lives to be initiated into a mystery school. Life does that so well, offering us the opportunity to know our power to co-create our reality and simultaneously inviting us to surrender our resistance to its curriculum. 

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The Art of Suffering and Celebrating Well: Summer Solstice and New Moon in Cancer

Dear Dancer,

Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh shares, "We may think that we're 'doing it wrong.' Somehow we are 'failing at happiness.' That isn't true. Being able to enjoy happiness doesn't require that we have zero suffering. In fact, the art of happiness is also the art of suffering well. When we learn to acknowledge, embrace, and understand our suffering, we suffer much less. Not only that, but we're also able to go further and transform our suffering into understanding, compassion, and joy for ourselves and for others."

I couldn't say it better, the only thing I would add is: to dance it.



Convergence With A Whole New World: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

As I write this, my mom, niece, and nephew are here from Minnesota visiting my fiancé and me here in Woodstock, New York. I just returned from a few months of teaching and traveling, and we are planning a wedding in less than 4 months. My birthday is also in 2 days (June 11th), so I'm in that reflective space of the past and dreaming place of the future. In a sentence, life is full. Yours probably is too. 

I have a theory about our individual experiences being a reflection of the whole, of the collective exploration and co-creation of our understanding of life. So I'm curious: do you feel that way, too? Do you feel so many different aspects of your being rising up to your awareness for healing, release, review, and re-invention? Do you feel these times as incredibly dynamic and full of strong medicine? Do you feel a push and pull between your preference for life to be easier and moments when you surrender and it Instead of feeling depressed by darkness, do you breathe an awkward sigh of relief not to have to pretend and honor that challenges seem to be a consistent part of most people's inner and outer lives? Like they say, "No mud, no lotus."

How else can I ask this?

Do you feel more than you have ever before? Although potentially overwhelming, if you close your eyes and take a deep breath, do you simultaneously feel the part of your being that has full faith in this renaissance of sensation? 

Do you feel committed to co-creating this new world alongside all the other courageous souls here at this time hearing this call?

My inspiration with Qoya has always been to empower women to remember their essence by inviting them to feel the physical sensation of truth in their body (versus feeling confined only to their mind). Thousands of women have found relief from the challenges of daily living not through making their intensity going away, but by learning how to move through it and dance with it by feeling it. By being present with it. 

When we are present and deeply listening, we often feel a call to create and merge with the unique wisdom that our life experiences have given us. We may master this in a moment, but gratefully, we have our entire lives to refine our ability to experience this moment today and to, as Virginia says in her new moon astrology below, converge. 

Our resident Qoya Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg shares:

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 9, 2017 (9:09amEST) is a convergence. Separate identities and differentiated states of being move towards unity. Unique ebbs and currents meet. There is love in this marriage. Rather than retain their original shape and pattern, each individual stream bends to incorporate the movements of the other. They remold and reflect each other. They allow themselves to be influenced by their love and by their beloved. What began as one stream, bound by the limits of familiar embankments, emerges as a limitless ocean of potential. Of interconnected self. How? Through co-creation. Through coming into right relationship and restoring balance. Old tales are washed away by being. New legends await. Life becomes a book with blank pages. Words are replaced by feelings, sensations, and symbols. Constriction is balanced by the freedom to unfold as spirit requests. Gathered experiences rich with meaning litter the path like scattered rose petals. Seek and follow the signs of delight. Sharpen all senses. Expand your perceptions and dance through life's labyrinths toward the shared destination of the soul.

There are many valuable ways to access thoughts, ideas and information. For example, I'm very excited to share my new podcast with you (more details on that below), but there is another way to access another type of wisdom: through the movement of your body. It tends to be non-linear, a million times more creative, consistently honest, and potentially more enjoyable. Only one way to find out! 

I invite you to do this movement ritual, Listen to the Call to Create, for 15 minutes and see if you can expand your capacity to feel sensation in your body and to honor your relationship to it. Explore your willingness to focus your mind, awaken your body, soften your heart, and embody your soul through the art of deep listening to yourself, to the music of the moment, to the beloved other, and to life. Full moons are an auspicious time to honor our intentions, so as you access the physical sensation of your truest experience, plant the seed of your prayer in the field of awareness and after you leave class, watch it grow!

If you have enjoyed our free movement rituals on this blog, there are 9 full Qoya classes in our online course which is $111 off for 2 more days. In addition to the discount, you receive 9 bonus calls with me so we can take this journey together and a $250 and early access to enroll in the 2018 Qoya Collective Retreat in Costa Rica. Click here to learn more and register. 

We're also so excited to announce the launch of our Lifestyle of Reverence podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud! To find it on either platform, simply search for "Lifestyle of Reverence." 

Blessings for this full moon (or whenever you read this), and remember the new moment comes right after this one. May our openness support us in the convergence of the past and the future with the place where they meet between this inhale and this exhale right now.

I feel so honored to be dancing alongside all those that are called to share at this time. Thank you for reading this. Thank you for dancing. Thank you for loving, and thank you for embodying love.

With excitement,



June 9th from 2:00pm-3:30pm

Awareness Seeking Awareness

Explore your willingness to focus your mind, awaken your body, soften your heart and embody your soul through the art of deep listening to yourself, to the music of the moment, to the beloved other and to life. New moons are an auspicious time to set intentions, so as you access the physical sensation of your truest experience, plant the seed of your prayer in the field of awareness and after you leave class, watch it grow! Click here to register. 

June 14th from 6:30pm-8:00pm

Trusting the Flow

Have you heard the joke? Instead of WTF, GWTF? Go With The Flow! Of course there is medicine in our perseverance to swim upstream, and of course there is medicine in our ability to trust life as it is and surrender to the gifts the flow brings. Unwind the mind, unclench the body, unbreak the heart, and unify the soul back to the moment as we individually and collectively explore our relationship to trusting the flow of our lives on June 14th. Click here to register. 



The Choice to Create: New Moon in Gemini

Dear Soul on the Other Side of the Screen,

I'm so happy to share this moment together and honor the GEMINI New Moon!!!!!!! With my Sun, Moon, AND Venus in Gemini, I have some things I'm really inspired to share with you about this energy alongside our resident Qoya Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg (also a Gemini!).

As an ambassador of Gemini energy, I offer you this invitation to consider:

What would be the most delightful thing for you to create in your life right now?

What would THRILL you?!?!

What would you like to dance with day in and day out and develop a dynamic understanding of from every single angle?

For me, this inquiry has been to dance with the mind, body, heart, and soul of WOMAN.



The Great Mystery of Rebirth: Full Moon In Scorpio Movement Ritual

There is lore of a time when the greatest thought leaders were not the ones who gave you five steps to this or that. They wouldn't insult your intelligence that way. They would create situations in which you could realize what they knew, but it was shown to you through the courage of your own heart to See. Instead of exchanging mental information, they offered you a way to explore and expand your wisdom through honoring your own experiences. They held a vision of you inevitably remembering who you are, and they guided your best next step with subtlety by encouraging you to free yourself of distractions so you could access a realm of integrity and magic.



Slow Down to Listen: New Moon in Taurus Movement Ritual

Dear Soul on the other side of the screen,

There are many voices calling for your attention. Some come through your text messages, your emails, your voicemail, your mail. Some come through the people you share your day with: your family, your roommates, your co-workers, your friends, your lovers…

As meaningful as all those interactions can potentially be, there is always one other strong steady call reaching for each of us.
