Dear Dancers in the Moonlight,

For some, surrender means acquiescence. A compromise and going against your inner truth without protest. 

For others, surrender can be empowering because you are no longer at odds with what is. 

This subtle shift of surrender from acquiescence to empowerment happens when you can be an active participant in your life fueled with inspiration, courage, and action in the face of your current reality rather than feeling victimized by the world around you and drained of energy, wishing things were different than they are.

You can, if you choose, trust love, life and each other.

There is a long list of atrocities and tragedies that lure the power of our attention to focus on a world that is not worthy of our faith. However, there is power in where we put our attention. 

While there are many dances taking place outside of us, there is also one inside of us. We all know this dance very well – the dance of the voices. There is the voice that inspires anxiety, triggers anger and resentment, fuels itself on jealousy, and deprives us of our joy while derailing us from action in service to our growth and the highest good of all. There is also a voice of kindness, of compassion, of creativity, and of collaboration that inspires us to dream, vision, hope, and celebrate. 

Do you know the Native American Cherokee story of the two wolves?

An elder is teaching his grandson about life. 

“A fight is going on inside me,” he says to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The elder simply replied, “The one you feed.”

While it is normal to dance the dance of duality, on this full moon in Pisces I wonder: are you willing to feed the part of yourself that has enough faith to surrender your vigilence for a moment? To have enough courage to forgive. To have enough spaciousness to rest. Can you let go and imagine how it feels when you go to swim or sail in the ocean? Can you accept the part of you that does not control the tide? Can you be at peace with the co-occurring experiences of being an individual and being interconnected to every aspect of life?

Our resident Qoya astrologer Virginia Rosenberg writes:

The Full Moon in Pisces on September 6, 2017 (3:03am EST) is a cauldron of compassion. Sensitivity is heightened now. Be silent and absorb through the most subtle of senses. Release confusion. Offer up anxiety or any desire to withhold or hide. Now is the time to let flow. Dive through self-deception into the holographic living dream of reality. Welcome humble synchronicities and embody the magic of flesh. Feel the essence and spirit within all things. Feel the truth within and between linear construct. Feel an unconditional dream move through you. Pour yourself out to make way for Emptiness. In your release, merge with the Great Oneness. Be cleansed by the rhythmic, senseless music of existence. Resonate with the song of every heart, layered upon and within itself in overlapping relation. Acknowledge your conditioning, and move through its fog into something neutral and unpolarized. Get lost, and become one with all that eventually becomes lost. Shed and become one with the eternal. Cry your holy tears of letting go and with them, feed the ancestors whose toil made our bread. Surrender more. Even more. Circle open for your cells to imbibe, dance with, and embody unconditional love. With the soft power of grace, forgive it all.

To embody the energy of this full moon, I invite you to explore your relationship to the subtlety of surrender through noticing how it feels in your body with this Movement Ritual.

With prayers that we all be nourished by the nectar of surrender (if just for a moment).

Maybe this moment right now.

With love and trust,



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