Do you remember the story of David and Goliath?

One man against a large giant?

Do you remember how David defeats Goliath?

A slingshot to his head. Let's say his third eye.

Do you know the brilliant metaphor of a slingshot that applies to honoring feminine cycles? The deeper you go within, the more momentum you have to move forward.

Imagine our feline friends, from house cats to jaguars in the jungle; they spend a large amount of their time resting, so that when they are called into action, they can bring 100% of their presence. This is how the feminine thrives. When she is well-rested, and I'm not just talking about sleep. I'm talking about when the feminine coils into her chrysalis, when she consciously contemplates darkness as the great mystery from which everything is born.

You are not alone in feeling the intensity of this time. We are always on the precipice of huge internal and external shifts, and during these days and these nights, there is an acceleration of pace. Like the technology of computer speeds that can process much faster than before, it seems like our individual and collective souls have been asked to pick up the pace on living into the potent transformation of our world.

How do you navigate the journey during times like these? Like the slingshot, I recommend pulling back into yourself with the intention of emerging stronger than before.

Our resident Qoya Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg shares:

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 27 (7:07pmEST) is the deep freeze before a thaw. This New Moon initiates a 6-week eclipse season cycle, which sets the tone for 6 months following. Eclipse cycles are like portals of change. When we emerge on the other side, significant evolution has occurred. Within a deep freeze, temperatures drop. Energies move subtly, perhaps imperceptibly, deep within. Hardship, suffering, and an experience of lack are nothing to fear. Befriend scarcity as you would abundance. Turn towards it.

"Because the Sage always confronts difficulties, he never experiences them."

—Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Life is about the full experience. Sometimes, patterns need to play themselves out long enough that we tire of them thoroughly. To the bone. There are many benefits to the deep freeze, which is like a suspended inhale. Though it is cold and seemingly immobile, our soil is strengthened and erosion is prevented. Pests and invasive species cannot survive. What does survive is made heartier. As the freeze concludes, fresh oxygen floods our lungs. The water levels release, relax, and expand, fertilizing the ground for new life to arise. Sometimes life’s not about sugary sweet love. Rather, it's the ground beneath your feet love. It’s what we do to get through: to survive and revive. This is of real value. After a long period of stillness, to dance, to move will be our truest pleasure.

The movement ritual for this moon is called Descend to Ascend. The intention is to let yourself be with sensation. Some thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations will be positive. Some thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations will be negative. Practice your ability to befriend them all. Feel the fullness of contrast in your body, and release any effort to narrate your experience. Instead, stay present with the feeling as much as you can.

From a holistic perspective, when we look at archetypical stories, it's wise to look at yourself as every character in the story. We can identify with the energetic pull of late January and pulling back into ourselves, gathering perspective, harnessing courage for the journey of the year. Like a sling shot, the more we go deep into ourselves, the more force we have when we extend our energy back out into the world when the timing is just right.

Identifying with the slingshot, we (individually and collectively) descend to ascend again and again.

Considering Goliath's fate, it may be wise to contemplate our own ignorance to not notice a stone being thrown through the sky to our very own third eye? Where are the places we are the most unconscious and feel like we need to wake up and pay attention?

Look at the revolution in your own heart, at how much opportunity there is every day for your life to be liberated from fear, worry, and anxiety. Look at the revolution outside of us, women's voices rising up and the awareness of oppression being seen with clarity.

I've been moved by this song Warrior by Aurora and her lyrics, "Let Love Conquer Your Mind."

Yes, let's let love conquer our mind,


P.S. There's a reason these are our signature Qoya pants — they are perfect both for resting and moving! We lounge in them, dance Qoya in them, and wear them out to dinner after Qoya class. They don't wrinkle and are flattering on everyone.

To support both your rest and movement through the upcoming eclipse season, we're offering 20% off all pants at Lifestyle of Reverence.

No code required. Pants are priced as marked. Enjoy this time of rest in service to movement!

P.P.S. This week, my friend Alisa Vitti launched MyFLO, the world’s first period-tracking and productivity app. It's the only functional medicine based period tracking app the also gets rid of symptoms the more you use it. It lets you know which phase of your cycle you're in and tells you what to eat, how to exercise, and what to prioritize at work to maximize your of feminine energy. It even tells you how to make sure you're having the best relationships with one-tap scheduling integration with your calendar. Check it out here.
