Beyond Movement

One of the most ecstatic things about embodied presence in a Qoya Inspired Movement class (and anywhere else you experience it!) is that the movement takes us beyond the limitations of ourselves. 

Like many things in life, there is a paradox. Many people who focus deeply on their own individual felt sense inside their own body through movement find this experience also creates a deeper felt sense of the world around them. They may start to feel a sense of interconnection with all beings, with all life. They may be able to really feel compassion and empathy for another person in a more visceral way. They may reconnect to a flow of life force that feels regenerative, supportive, infinite, and a sense that it is their birthright to be nourished by this life force. Let’s see where our bodies may take us beyond movement today!



REFLECTION 1: As you practiced deepening into embodied presence these past 10 days, how has your perspective shifted? 

REFLECTION 2: How has dancing each day impacted your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing?

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I would also love it if you would send me your feedback at, and let me know how this experience was for you.

I look forward to dancing with you in the future!

With gratitude,