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You are More Powerful than You Know: New Moon Movement Ritual

When you come fully into the body and fully into the present moment, there is a force that meets you there. Beyond anything the mind can explain, it is an inner knowing - in your bones, in your essence. You feel the mountains of support that are protecting, encouraging, and demanding you to rise alongside them.

Sometimes the best way to learn what something is is to learn what it is not. What if you were to take today and neglect your body - eat food that doesn't nourish you, don't move, don't get enough rest, choose discomfort over pleasure, acquiesce to whatever seems most convenient. Notice how that goes.

There's a part of me that actually enjoys the times in life when I am disconnected to my body, because I know the celebration of reconnection is coming. It is a mysterious joy to be that at ease with the cycle of things. To know that all you need to do is take a deep breath, stand up, and clear around ten minutes in your calendar to see what's true for you in your body. Every class I teach, I'm always in awe at the worlds of revelation that are inside whenever we are willing to look.  

There is a message for you, and now is the time to go journey towards it, remembering the direction to travel is always inwards. Inwards to access your deepest wisdom. Inwards to be inspired by your most authentic creativity. Inwards to melt more into the moment, savoring it for what it is.  

Movement is a powerful portal to go deeper inside, just like this particular New Moon in Scorpio. It knows secret passages, and if you trust it just for these ten minutes, it may trust you right back. There's only one way to find out.   

Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg shares that this New Moon in Scorpio on November 11, 2015 (12:47pm EST) is a crystalline cradle of transformation. Use darkness as a portal today. Go into the deep within. Now is a threshold of beginnings and endings. Destruction and regeneration. The new Self that is birthing through you is bold, bright, untameably beautiful, and ultimately mysterious. Go into the cave. Listen. Drink deeply of the messages you receive today. Healing energies are omnipresent on this moon. Allow. In Qoya, breathe and connect with your essence. Let everything else fall away but the steady passion of your inner self. Let intentions for this New Moon bubble up from within. Consciously connect with the healing and transformation available by walking or dancing a labyrinth. What answers does the mystery hold? Today’s a perfect day to do a three card story with someone you trust. Rich givings from the deep unconscious!

Blessings today as you dance into the messages that are waiting for you.

With love,

P.S.  We are so excited about our 2016 retreats:

Jan 9-16, 2016 Costa Rica

April 9-16, 2016 Qoya Collective Retreat

April 16-23, 2016 Qoya Co-Ed Retreat

May 7-14, 2016 Qoya Guatemala Retreat

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The Only Thing Constant is Change: Full Moon Movement Ritual

I just completed 10 days of teaching a Qoya Teacher Training Intensive and our annual pay-what-you-can retreat outside Woodstock, New York at Menla Mountain Retreat Center. It is one of my favorite places to bring people in the world because you can feel the sacredness of the land that was commissioned by the Dalai Lama, stewarded by the Thurman family, and part of Tibet House honoring the powerful presence that he embodies: sharing his message of love and compassion.


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The Courage to Stay True

Yesterday, I got to have an amazing experience teaching Qoya to a group of teenage girls who are chapter leaders for an organization called I Am That Girl.

When we are conscious, we can be present with others respecting their unique experience, and at the same time be aware of the part of ourselves that they mirror to us. 

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Total Eclipse of the Heart: Full Moon Movement Ritual

Being a dancer, I have a thing for musicians. On one fall day a few years ago, I had plans for a date, and this particular musician pulled a Houdini - or as the New York Times recently referenced, he "ghosted" me. Like Houdini, he disappeared, and only the ghostly, intangible, untouchable idea of him remained.

Luckily, my friend Kassidy Brown (co-founder of We Are the XX and birthday girl this weekend) was around to console me. After crying and collapsing into despair, I had an idea. What about catharsis?  



Do What Feels Right In Your Body: New Moon Movement Ritual

When I'm leading a Qoya retreat or just hanging out with my friends, I often warn people that whatever question they ask me, I will often answer with, "What feels right in your body?" Fearful of sounding annoying or repetitive, I share that this question is meant to be empowering and a gesture of implicit trust that if something truly feels right in your body, that it is the right thing to do - not only in Qoya, but also in life.



Purification: Full Moon Movement Ritual

“High degrees of self care will put you in the relaxation response or the terrain of magic, mystery, and a nervous system that feels the unity consciousness of two worlds, the one you can see and the one you can’t, but can feel – the ephemeral.”

—Dr. Anne Davin



Trust Yourself More than Ever Before

It takes a lot of courage to be in a body. For my blog today, I'm sharing writer, yoga teacher and mind, body & soul coach Allison Richard's experience of her first Qoya class. I know in my own practice, it's amazing how the simplest little thing that I do or don't do in my body can reveal a life-changing metaphor if I'm willing to integrate it. Read her story below, and I invite you to join me for a class in New York this Saturday or in Woodstock in October for our annual pay-what-you-can retreat.



Are you doing your sacred work?

As I scroll through my proverbial rolodex, I think of the people I know who have the strongest life force: passion in the eyes and fire in their will, so much so that you can hear the drum beat of their heart.

These people have connected to the calling within that is seemingly impossible until you begin. Once that first step is taken, though, doors appear where there were only walls. A sincere pursuit receives the reward of miracles, and as they individually transform, the world outside of them does as well.


Hearts Break So They Can Open


Hearts Break So They Can Open

You know that saying, "calm seas don't make strong sailors"?  For many of us on the journey to continue to choose love, we face many challenges. If you're paying attention, life can break your heart every day. Unrequited love, the job you wished for, the "what if?" things so different than how things really are - as well as the beauty of the sunlight coming through the trees, her smile, his laugh, all of it.


It's my Birthday!


It's my Birthday!

Today, June 11th, is my birthday. Deep breath. Deep sigh.


Such an adventure it is to be embodied. As an eternal soul, we each take a temporary form and explore the separation of individuation on a journey to remember the reverence of our oneness.


Express Yourself (Not Repress Yourself) with Full Moon Movement Ritual


Express Yourself (Not Repress Yourself) with Full Moon Movement Ritual

I wish I could tell you that it will be easy. I wish I could tell you that inner and outer resistances won't be a challenge; however, that wouldn't be fair. You wouldn't be well-equipped for the journey ahead if I did.

What I can tell you is that this ― the journey of living according to the truth that you feel in your body, remembering your body as the address of your soul in this lifetime, and aligning with this truth will fulfill you. It will nourish you in a way that nothing else can.  


Letting Go New Moon Ritual

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Letting Go New Moon Ritual

Sometimes letting go isn't active; it's simply realizing what is already gone. Sometimes it requires great effort to take a reflective inventory of what nourishes you and what depletes you, and then make a conscious choice to release what does not bring you joy.

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Get Back in Your Body Full Moon Ritual

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Get Back in Your Body Full Moon Ritual

This free Qoya 15 minute movement ritual is titled "Get Back in Your Body" because I truly believe that when you can take a deep breath and feel your body, you connect to your intuitive wisdom to guide you, you connect with your creative authentic expression that happens in the moment, and you are able to receive more of life's gifts because you are being present. You remember your essence is wise, wild and free, and you feel it as truth in your bones.

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The REVEAL Immersion: Unveiling the Divine Feminine


The REVEAL Immersion: Unveiling the Divine Feminine

The force of the feminine is not linear.

It doesn't have a strategic plan that forces the flow. It is a path of soulful surrender and creating space for whatever is authentic to REVEAL itself.

I'm so honored to be supporting Meggan Watterson's courageous work at her soulful event alongside Christiane Northrup, Kate Northrup Watts and Maya Azucena at Kripalu, June 12th-14th, 2015.
