Nourishing Movement

Imagine a cat waking up from a nap and the intuitive stretches it does that seem to be just right. As we explore the practice of nourishing movement, you’re invited to expand your capacity to feel and follow pleasure in your body. Oftentimes, what we look for is what we see. Knowing this, we can consciously begin an experiment to notice if by looking for movement that feels good in the body, we are more likely to find that movement. 

This practice of Hip Opening invites you to feel how you feel and be where you are. It’s normal to have healing experiences, pleasurable sensations, and increased range of motion as you do this practice. It’s also normal to feel uncomfortable, inhibited, and challenged to feel pleasure in your body. You are encouraged to offer yourself compassion and curiosity as you notice what it’s like for you when nourishment has more voice in the conversation of your body.


Begin with a few breaths into your hips. 

Step your feet wide enough so that when you bend your knees, you feel grounded. 

Invite your hips to lead you down towards the earth and back up towards the sky. Explore what emerges when you go twice as slow as you think is slow. 

Hips lead you down and over to one side a few times. Look for the place where it feels good to you. 

Hips lead you down and over to the other side a few times. 

Hips guide you down and to the front a few times. Practice releasing effort and following the flow of movement in your body. 

Hips lead you down and to the back a few times. Follow your body’s intuitive guidance to find the pace and expression that most resonates moment to moment. 

Do the sequence two times down and to the side, other side, front and back. 

Do the sequence one time each direction, letting your hips lead. 

For the rest of the song, invite your hips to move in any way that would feel nourishing to you.


Let’s move together. Follow this video to liberate your hips and enjoy moving your body sensually.


REFLECTION 1: What does it feel like for your hips to have more voice in the conversation of your body? 

REFLECTION 2: What would your life look like if you deepened your connection to movement that feels nourishing?