Movement with Meaning

How you feel is often influenced by your physiological state. The feeling state you are in can often expand or limit the possibilities of what can emerge next. Qoya Inspired Movement urges you to notice if by moving with meaning, you are able to root into a more grounded state. From a grounded sense of embodied presence, notice if you are more attuned to the shifts and changes in yourself and around you. Explore if the intention of reclaiming a state of flow can support you in releasing old sensations that have an energetic signature of exhaustion and depletion, and experience new movement patterns that inspire and delight. Are you open to being surprised by the amount of synchronicity, magic, and meaning that might emerge through the movement of your body? 

Let’s find out!


Embodied presence is more than just moving. It is shifting the way we experience being in our bodies from one of expectation, judgment, shame, and force to a place of allowing, honoring wholeness in cycles, compassion, and curiosity. 

You are invited to move your body any way that feels resonant to you. When no one is telling you how to move, how does your body freely wish to move? 

Some prompts to explore and notice your level of presence: 

Do you feel “in your body” -- aware of physical sensation, sounds, the space you’re in? Do you feel a sense of relating with self and surroundings? 

Are you adaptable to inevitable shifts inside your experience and around you? Can you go with the flow of emergence? 

Are insight and clarity emerging, or do you feel a cloud of confusion? Does movement support more clear seeing around points of reflection in your life and your capacity to make decisions you feel coherent with? 

I ask these questions, because movement can invoke a lot of meaning for us. I invite you as you move to notice what arises in you! For this exercise, you don’t need any guidance but the inner voice of your body. You may choose to put on a song and explore what movement with meaning feels like for you. And, if you’d like to dance along with someone, I invite you to join me in this video!


For this exercise, you don’t need any guidance but the inner voice of your body. However, if you’d like to dance along with someone, I invite you to join me in this video!


REFLECTION 1: What did it feel like to have the spaciousness to simply move in the way that felt right to you in each moment? 

REFLECTION 2: What does presence feel like in your body?