
Suz Mendoza

Gold Coast, Australia




If you’re reading this, “your heart and my heart are very very old friends”… We love to love, to dance, to giggle, to gift, to dream, to revel in twinkling skies full of possibility, to connect to the pulse and heartbeat of Mama Earth, to be here now in truth. I’m thankful we’ve come together even if just for this conversation right now.

“Why not become fresh from the gentleness of the heart-spring?
Why not laugh like a rose?
Why not spread perfume?” ~ Rumi

When did you take your first Qoya class? Kauai, Hawaii

What does it mean for  you to teach Qoya? To share the Loving. Eternal reverence for this space and invitation to more of the sacred. It’s an honour to circle up and support others to remember. Starlight thank yous for Qoya's community of women sprinkled all over the planet, globally embodying and rippling Love. 

What is your favorite song to dance to right now? Get Up Offa That Thing with James Brown, There Will Be Time with Mumford & Sons, Landslide with Robyn Sherwell, Hour Golden with Fink

What book has inspired you on the path to embodying the feminine? The Radiance Sutras and all Rumi & Hafiz

What would you tell someone who is thinking of taking Qoya class for the first time? Listen to the whispers of your heart. Trust yourself and follow the call. Give yourself permission to play, to dance, to BE in bloom with crystalline clarity, presence, together and sacred juiciness with our Qoya family.