How do you infuse the Sacred into the external world?

More importantly, why do you infuse the Sacred into the external world?

The same reason you dance to remember the sacred essence of yourself that is wise, wild and free.

On my first trip to Peru, I came across my favorite word I've ever heard - Qoya. Qoya means Queen in Quechuan. On my second trip to Peru, I went to Lake Titicaca, and when the tour guide showed me the Qoya tombs (I had never mentioned my relationship to the word), I was in awe at the synchronicity. She said, "These tombs were not for the queens, but a pre-Incan civilization called Qoya. The only place they ever lived was here in Lake Titicaca." She encouraged me to pray in one circle devoted to the sun and another to the moon.

When I did, I heard this message, "Qoya begins with women and movement, because the essence of evolution is dependent on one's ability to feel. Once someone remembers the essence of who they are and they can trust the feeling in their body to guide them, the principles of Qoya will infuse into everything they do that leads to living a lifestyle of reverence."

If you are here on this mailing list, thank you. Thank you for dancing with me this far. When I began giving voice to Qoya almost seven years ago, it was only for women and using movement as a way to remember. Quickly, something else was happening. Rituals felt transcendent. Friendships and communities were being strengthened. Pilgrimages were being taken and lives were being inspired, ensouled, and embodied again. As individuals and as a group, we have been infusing the sacred into our cells, into our experiences, into the places we dance, and even into the future of our dreams.

We know what it feels like when something resonates as truth in our body, and many of us yearn for a world that has more of that resonate truth outside of us. Like a more accurate mirror of the love and light within us, like a touchstone of truth, these offerings in Qoya's Lifestyle of Reverence line are meant to also help us remember.

I'm honored to share this new project with you. Check out our About page to read the story of why living a lifestyle of reverence is important to us and how you can be a part of it.  

Here are some of our favorite items in our categories of Adorn, Anoint, Dwell, Give, Honor, Learn, Swathe:

On the 4th trip to Peru, I received the image which would inspire the Qoya Sacred Geometry Yantra and map of my book, which I am delighted to announce will begin shipping to our Kickstarter list around December 15th. You can also pre-order your copy here.

With love,

P.S. Finally! After 7 years, we have a t-shirt! Here I am modeling mine on our last Qoya retreat in Africa!

P.P.S. There are despacho kits!!!

P.P.P.S. I am just so excited. Because of the carefully crafted handmade quality and uniqueness of the products, many have limited quantities. I see each item as an animate object filled with love and am so excited for you to meet your new friends and for them to meet you!
